Spot welding Machines

Salient Features
- “H” Class insulated copper wound water cooled welding transformer.
- Pair of thyristors for linear heat control from 5 to 95 %.
- Equipped with C-MOS control panel Model PM 201A or Micro Processor control panel Model PM20XP.
- Pneumatic cylinder with solenoid valve and filter, lubricator, regulator assembly with pressure gauge and push in type connectors.
- Water cooled electrode holders with Copper Chromium Zirconium electrode tips for long time.
- Press Type Spot Welder 25 to 300 KVA.

Salient Features
- ‘F’ Class insulated copper wound welding transformer.
- Water cooled electrode holders with CuCrZr Tips.
- Accurately machined PLATEN with ‘T’ slots is provided for Horizontal movement.
- Angle steel construction, no castings are used in main frame.
- Rocker Arm Type Spot Welder 10 to 50 KVA.
- Pneumatically Operated.
- Linear Heat control with Thyristors.
- Micro Processor/ C-MOS control panel.

Salient Features
- Suitable for Ferrous and Non Ferrous welding.
- ‘F’ Class Insulated Epoxy Sealed copper wound welding transformer.
- Welding head with pneumatic cylinder mounted directly on top.
- Pair of thyristors for liner heat contol from 5 to 95 %.
- Water Cooled electrode holders with Tungsten Copper Tips WADSON AZX for long time.
- Switchgear Manufacturers – MCB, MCCB etc.
- Auto Electrical Parts.
- Bulb, Filament, Fuses.
- Small Sheet Metal Parts, Studs, Battery Packs, etc..
Projection Welding Machines

Salient Features
- “H” Class insulated copper wound water cooled welding transformer.
- Pair of thyristors for linear heat control from 5 to 95 %.
- Equipped with C-MOS control panel Model PM 201A or Micro Processor control panel Model PM20XP.
- Pneumatic cylinder with solenoid valve and filter, lubricator, regulator assembly with pressure gauge and push in type connectors.
- Water cooled electrode holders with Copper Chromium Zirconium electrode tips for long time.
- Press Type Spot Welder 35 to 350 KVA.

Wadson Stored energy welders are available in stand alone and bench mounted models or can be designed as per customer requirements. Electrode movement is controlled by hydraulically/ pneumatically actuated cylinder mounted directly on top.
- Low power requirement with considerable reduction in connected load
- No discoloration or blackening of job
- Constant reliable welds
- Non ferrous and dissimilar metals can be welded with ease
- Low electrode consumption
- Machine can run on genset
- Simplicity of fixtures
Seam Welding Machines

- Wider Application Range
- Longitudinal Seam Welding
- Universal Seam Welding
- Circumferential Seam Welding
- Side Seam Welding
- Narrow Track Seam Welding
- Knurled dressing wheel for Electrodes
- Electrode Drive – Top, Bottom or Differential
Flash Butt Welding Machine
Flash Butt Welding Machine

Salient Features
- Hydraulically/Pneumatically operated clamping and upsetting mechanism.
- Linear heat control with pair of water cooled thyristors.
- Solid steel constructed main frame, stiffened at points of stress.
- PLC based Logic control with Touch Screen HMI.
- 50 – 1000 kva ratings.
- Automobile Rims.
- Ring Gears.
- Wire Rings.
- Blades, etc.
Stud Welding Machine

CD Type Stud welding saves energy in the condensers and generates arc heat, at the same time joins with welded portion by spring pressure of welding gun.
Fan Guard Spot Welders

Similar Special Purpose Machines
- Multi Spot SPM
- Brake Shoe Projection Welder
- Mirror Rod Welding Machine
- Rotary Indexing Table Spot welding SPM for switchgear
- Seam Welder for Outer Tube welding Shock Absorber
- Middle & Outer Ring Fan Guard Welder
- Star Making Machine
- Rotary and Linear MIG/ CO2 welding SPM’s
- Copper Braid Forming and Cutting machine
Brake Shoe Welding Machine

Salient Features
- Small, Light & Easy to Handle
- Quick & Accurate Work
- Low Air Consumption
- Easy to Change Cutter & Cutter Case
Spot/Projection Welding Controllers

- Constant Current Control with Secondary feedback.
- Large Display for Secondary Current / Primary Voltage.
- 32 Welding Schedules can be stored for reference.
- 3 steps welding current (Pre-heating, Welding Current, Temper Current).
- Up Slope and Down Slope Current feature to avoid weld splash.
- 2 Pressure Valve Outputs.
- In Built Weld Counter.
- Self Error Diagnosis and Display.
- Model PM20XP – With primary voltage control
- Model CC24ZX – With Constant Current Control
Water Cooled Transformers

Quality Control Equipments

Salient Features
- Programmable Resolution
- Programmable Digital Filter
- Programmable Baud Rate
- Zero Function
- Peak Function
- Peak Function (Positive and Negative)
- RS232C Serial Output (On Request)
- Battery Life: 1 Year
Range for Nominal Load
- 0 to 4.500lbs and 0 to 9.000lbs
Resolution 0.01 - Accuracy Class: Less than+/-.5%
- Lineearty: Less than +/-20%FS
- Hysteresis: Less than +/-.20%FS
- Repeatability: Less than +/-.0.5%FS
- Readings per sec.(0 Filetr): 10 (100ms)
- Display: Custom LCD (H=5/8”)
Mechanical Limit
- Service Load: 120%FS
- Max Permissible Load: 150%FS
- Breaking Load>300%FS
- Displacement at Nominal Load: .007”
- Code: 90.3.W
Nut Feeder

Salient Features
- Easy to integrate to Spot or Projection welding machine
- Automatic nut feeding from one end
- Reliable and durable in nut feeding using the latest technology for specific | weld nut.
- Can meet any production rates with reliable system
- Adjustable stroke in permanent feeding to deliver nuts accurately to the electrode
- Two or three nut feeder machine can be connected to same welding machine.